Private Sub OptionButton3_Click() = 24 End Sub Related examples in the same category This channelTo broadcast videos just Share Only I know the information Excel VBA And Computer Clips Thankyou For More Details Or VBA Code Please Vsit.Place label controls, text boxes, command buttons and the checkbox as shown in the following screenshot: the caption of a text label control or the text of a text box). Clicking an already-selected control allows to edit the contents of the control (e.g.There are often occasions however when we need to loop through all controls on a UserForm, or only certain specified controls. Excel VBA UserForms and their associated controls are a great way to present/collect data from users.I'm trying to get also the target location of the Label but cannot find a field that specified the i. I'm trying to create a tool to extract information of Alignment Station OffSet Label (AeccStationOffsetLabel) to excel file but failed to do so using VBA.